A Ghanaian chef who declared himself the new holder of the Guinness World Record for the longest non-stop cooking session has been arrested amid controversy involving his sponsor.

Ebenezer Smith made headlines on Tuesday by claiming he had set a record of 802 hours and 25 minutes of continuous cooking. He presented a certificate he said was from Guinness World Records (GWR) to support his claim.

However, a spokesperson for GWR refuted the authenticity of the certificate, stating it was not issued by them and they were unaware of Smith’s attempt to break the record.

Following his announcement, Smith was promptly arrested by the police. The arrest stemmed from a dispute with his sponsor, the Amadia Shopping Centre in Spintex, Accra. Allegedly, Smith failed to inform them about the purported record achievement, breaching their contractual agreement.

The incident has drawn significant attention in Ghana, highlighting the complexities and challenges associated with such record-breaking attempts and the importance of verification by recognized authorities like Guinness World Records.

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