President Joe Biden acknowledged he “screwed up” during the recent debate with Donald Trump but remains determined to continue his campaign for re-election. In an interview with a Wisconsin radio station, he admitted his performance was a “mistake” but emphasized his achievements during his time in office as the basis for voter judgment.

Despite reports hinting at his reconsideration of running, Biden reassured key Democratic allies, including state governors and campaign staff, affirming his commitment to the race. “I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving,” he stated during a call with his broader campaign team, with Vice-President Kamala Harris also expressing her support.

Speculation about Harris potentially replacing Biden as the candidate has arisen, but the campaign remains firm. A fundraising email from the Biden-Harris campaign echoed this sentiment: “Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: I’m running,” Biden declared.

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