The Israeli military has admitted that its forces breached protocol by strapping a wounded Palestinian man to the front of their vehicle during a raid in the West Bank city of Jenin.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the incident after it was captured on video and circulated on social media. According to an IDF statement, the man was injured in an exchange of fire during the raid, in which he was a suspect.

The injured man’s family reported that when they requested an ambulance, the army instead took him, tied him to the bonnet of their jeep, and drove away.

The individual was later transferred to the Red Crescent for medical treatment. The IDF stated that the incident would be investigated.(Which of course it wont..ed)

Eyewitnesses speaking to Reuters identified the man as a local resident named Mujahed Azmi.

“This morning [Saturday], during counter-terrorism operations to apprehend wanted suspects in the area of Wadi Burqin, terrorists opened fire at IDF troops, who responded with fire,” the IDF statement said.

“During the exchange of fire, one of the suspects was injured and apprehended.

“In violation of orders and standard operating procedures, the suspect was taken by the forces while tied on top of a vehicle.

“The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF. The incident will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.”

There has been a rise in violence in the West Bank from both sides since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip.

The UN reports that at least 480 Palestinians – mostly civilians – have been killed in conflict-related incidents in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.


There appears to be no depths this murderous army wont sink to in its sickening inhumanity, slaughtering thousands of people both in Gaza and increasingly turning its attention to the West Bank. This latest atrocious act plunges the IDF into the murky depths of depravity, this amounts to bare faced torture, the people in two of the biggest contributors to this human butchery America and Britain can do something though, they can refuse to vote for those parties and politicians who continue to pour weapons and money into this blood bath. We hear no voices of condemnation from any of the politicians in the main parties on both sides of the Atlantic.

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