In Yatta, Kenya, a lone five-year-old boy, abandoned by his father as floodwaters rose, was rescued on Tuesday by a police helicopter from Nairobi, approximately 120km (75 miles) away. The International Centre for Humanitarian Affairs utilized drones to pinpoint his location, prompting the police response. Initial attempts at rescue by boat were thwarted by adverse weather conditions, as reported by the Kenya Red Cross. Despite being visibly shaken from his prolonged ordeal, the child was safely evacuated to a nearby hospital for medical attention.
The relentless heavy rains across Kenya and East Africa have triggered extensive flooding and destruction. As of Tuesday, floods have affected 23 of Kenya’s 47 counties, leaving numerous individuals stranded. The Kenya Red Cross reported the successful rescue of over 188 people amidst ongoing flooding, with 11,206 households displaced, 27,716 acres submerged, and over 4,800 livestock casualties.