US President Joe Biden Commends US Forces for Assisting Israel in Countering Iranian Drone and Missile Attacks

US President Joe Biden has lauded American forces for their role in aiding Israel in neutralizing the majority of drones and missiles launched by Iran on Sunday. In a statement, he emphasized that the US had deployed aircraft and warships to the region ahead of the unprecedented assault.

Expressing strong condemnation for the attacks, Biden asserted, “I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms.”

Israel reported that Iran had launched hundreds of drones and missiles toward its territory, marking the first direct attack from Iran. Although the “vast majority” were intercepted, some managed to cause damage, including at an IDF base in southern Israel, resulting in at least one injury, reportedly a young girl.

Earlier, Iran had issued a warning of retaliation following a strike on its consulate in Syria on April 1, which claimed the lives of seven Iranian officers, including a senior commander. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the incident.

Following a call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden reaffirmed the unwavering commitment of the United States to Israel’s security, praising Israel’s ability to defend against and repel unprecedented attacks.

Biden also announced plans to convene G7 leaders on Sunday to coordinate a unified diplomatic response to Iran’s audacious aggression. He cautioned Iran against targeting any US assets, emphasizing America’s preparedness to address all potential threats, despite Iran not having taken such action thus far.

President Biden interrupted a scheduled visit to Delaware on Saturday, returning to the White House to receive briefings from national security officials just hours before the attack occurred. White House National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson confirmed that Biden remained in constant communication with Israeli officials, as well as other allies and partners.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House of Representatives revealed they were drafting legislation to provide increased aid to Israel and impose sanctions on Iran.


Why is Biden quick to condemn Iran’s retaliatory response to Israels attack on it’s consulate building in Damascus, but made no comment on Israels strike on the consulate building killing several diplomatic staff and Syrian soldiers, which sparked the latest echange? The cynical way that Biden is conducting this conflict is widening the east/west divide in the world and ramping up tension in a region already a hot bed of unrest mostly due to the unrestrained conduct of the US sponsored government of Israel that has showed complete disregard for civilised adherence to humanitarian law and civil rights for the Palestinian population of the region.

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