As negotiators convene in Cairo, a palpable sense of optimism pervades the air. Representatives from the United States and Israel, alongside delegates from Hamas, gather with a shared objective: to forge a ceasefire-hostage deal and pave the way for lasting peace. This gathering symbolizes a beacon of hope amid turbulent times in the region.

In a demonstration of diplomatic finesse, President Joe Biden personally reaches out to Egyptian and Qatari leaders, urging them to leverage their influence in persuading Hamas to embrace and uphold the terms of any potential agreement. Such high-level engagement underscores the gravity of the situation and the earnest commitment to finding a peaceful resolution.

Responding to the call for dialogue, Hamas announces its readiness to participate constructively, dispatching a delegation led by Khalil al-Hayya, the group’s deputy chief in Gaza. Their willingness to engage in discussions signals a departure from confrontation towards a willingness to explore pathways to reconciliation.

As the negotiations unfold, amidst the backdrop of Cairo’s historic streets, there is a sense of cautious optimism. Each participant brings their hopes and aspirations for a better future, driven by the collective desire to alleviate suffering and build a foundation of peace for generations to come.

In this pivotal moment, the world watches with bated breath, hoping that these discussions will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the region’s turbulent history—one defined not by conflict, but by cooperation, understanding, and above all, peace.


If only we had known, that killing 6 western aid workers would strike a cord with the main supporters, maybe we could have prevented 33000 deaths and 75000 injured civilians, so it begs the question when did “old Joe” have this “Road to Damascus falling off his donkey” episode, not that he’s a stranger to falling, but his attitude change in dealing with Netanahu is startling, with demands by democrats in both houses in the capitol building growing louder and the astonishing speech by one time main Israeli supporter Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer.

Biden now has a lot of pressure on him to play the “Trump, (no pun intended), Card”, by stopping the $billions in weapons, the other great move would be putting a muzzle on motor-mouth John Kirby remember him, obviously he never read any of the UN Charter particularly “Article 25” and finally reprogramming Tony Blinken or replacing his battery, anything that would make him more plausible.

So as the gang gathers in Cairo, yet again, we await the deliberations, it does however beg the question why isn’t Netanyahu there, since he appears to be the main hurdle to peace, which on reflection appears to be for a very self-centered reason, well anything is better than a Israeli prison, as thousands of Palestinians will testify to.

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