
This forecast outlines a complex weather scenario across various regions of the United States over the next few days:

  1. Great Lakes, Ohio and Tennessee Valleys, South, Southeast, and Northeast:
    • Heavy snow is expected across Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Northern New York State, and central to northern New England.
    • A strong cold front will bring much cooler temperatures from the Ohio Valley into the Lower Mississippi Valley and South.
    • Heavy rains and flooding are anticipated along and ahead of the cold front sweeping eastward through the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and the Eastern Seaboard.
  2. West Coast:
    • A strong cold front will move inland along the West Coast, starting from the Pacific Northwest and spreading southward through California and the western Great Basin.
    • Above-average temperatures on Tuesday will be replaced by below-average temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday behind the cold front.
    • Precipitation is expected across large portions of the West Coast, the Northern Rockies, and the Great Basin.
  3. Midwest and Mid-Atlantic:
    • An area of low pressure across the Midwest is expected to strengthen rapidly and push north into the Great Lakes.
    • Another area of low pressure will develop across the Mid-Atlantic and push northeast into eastern New England.
    • Heavy snowfall, significant snow accumulation, and blizzard conditions are anticipated in parts of Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, as well as across northern New York State and central to northern New England.
  4. South, Southeast, and Ohio/Tennessee Valleys:
    • Severe weather is possible across portions of the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys, the South, and the Southeast on Tuesday afternoon and night, and into the Southeastern U.S. on Wednesday.
    • Widespread flood watches are in effect across the Upper Ohio Valley, Central Appalachians, and Mid-Atlantic due to heavy rains.

Overall, this forecast highlights the potential for a range of weather hazards including heavy snow, heavy rain, flooding, and severe weather across different parts of the United States over the next few days.

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