President Biden has unequivocally condemned Israel’s actions resulting in the deaths of seven humanitarian aid workers in Gaza, expressing deep outrage and sorrow. He criticized Israel for failing to adequately protect aid workers and urged for a swift and transparent investigation into the incident. The President emphasized the importance of accountability and urged Israel to ensure the findings of the investigation are made public. Additionally, he accused Israel of insufficiently safeguarding Palestinian civilians and reiterated the United States’ call for deconfliction between military operations and humanitarian efforts to prevent civilian casualties. Israeli President Isaac Herzog has issued an apology for the tragic deaths, while the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have acknowledged the incident as a grave mistake attributed to misidentification. As a result of the attack, World Central Kitchen (WCK), a vital aid provider in Gaza, has suspended its operations, casting doubt on the future of humanitarian assistance in the region. Several world leaders, including UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have demanded thorough and independent investigations into the killings, along with assurances of full accountability. Despite Israel’s acknowledgment of the incident and assurances of thorough investigation, concerns persist regarding the protection of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid in conflict zones.


So how the mighty have fallen, when Israeli killings are ok if they are confined to Palestinians, but wow what a attitude change when american or british casualties are concerned, this hypocritical attitude to giving lip service to mass casualties and a massive reaction to ones concerning home nationals is a demonstration of the cynical way this war has been policed by the super powers, but it appears Netanyahu has dropped a clanger on this one and he’s on the back foot with mounting international condemnation and increasingly louder public protests in Tel Aviv, now the world watches and waits. Whatever rubbish Israel comes up with is not likely to hold much water with most countries, so will the US and UK “bite the bullet ” and stop the stream of money and weapons, which most people have been demanding for months?


US White House Security Adviser John Kirby claims that Israel has never broken International Humanitarion Law, now if there was ever a candidate for an urgent brain implant it’s this man, the amount of times his obvious friends in Tel Aviv have broken so many laws of conflict, Geneva Conventions , Humanitarian, Crimes against Humanity including Genocide is so numerous and obvious it makes you wonder if Kirby is already on “Lunar Time”!

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