Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has issued a stark warning, declaring that Europe is facing a “pre-war era” and emphasizing the crucial importance of Ukraine not succumbing to Russian aggression for the sake of the entire continent.

Tusk emphasized that the threat of war is not a relic of the past but a grim reality that has been ongoing for over two years. His remarks come in the wake of Russia’s extensive assault on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, a move that has escalated tensions.

Despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertions of non-aggressive intentions towards NATO countries, Tusk dismissed any notion of an attack on NATO members like Poland, the Baltic states, and the Czech Republic as absurd. Nevertheless, Putin warned that Ukrainian use of Western F-16 warplanes from foreign airfields would make them legitimate targets for Russia.

The recent assault on Ukraine saw the utilization of nearly 100 missiles and drones, causing widespread partial blackouts. This marks the second such attack within a week, employing overwhelming force to breach Ukrainian defenses.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned this tactic as “missile terror” and cautioned about the potential for catastrophic environmental damage from attacks on hydro-electric power plants.

The mayor of Kharkiv, where businesses are struggling amidst power shortages, described the damage to the grid as severe, estimating that it could take up to two months for full restoration.

Calling for immediate military assistance to Ukraine, Tusk underscored the critical nature of the next two years in determining the outcome of the conflict, stating that the world is facing its most precarious moment since the end of World War II.

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