In a landmark speech to Congress, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to rally support for the war against Hamas in Gaza, telling US lawmakers that “our enemies are your enemies.” He emphasized that fighting Iran means confronting “the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States of America,” and asserted that “our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.”

Netanyahu received a warm welcome from mostly Republican politicians during his fourth speech to a joint session of Congress. However, the event highlighted political divisions, as many Democratic members of Congress chose not to attend, and thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the Capitol. Some banners labeled Netanyahu a “wanted war criminal,” referencing an arrest warrant sought by the International Criminal Court prosecutor. Inside the Capitol, five people were arrested for attempting to disrupt Netanyahu’s address.

Netanyahu addressed the protesters, accusing them of being “Iran’s useful idiots.” He frequently referenced Iran, describing an “axis of terror” that he claimed threatened the US, Israel, and the Arab world, framing it as a “clash of barbarism against civilisations.” He noted that Iranian proxy forces had attacked American targets and stated that Iran aims to “conquer the Middle East” as a step toward challenging America. He concluded by asserting that Israel, as a pro-American democracy, stands firmly against Iran in the Middle East.


The Hall of Shame otherwise the US congress played host to a man who is facing prison back in Te Aviv, has orchestrated one of the largest and most brutal killing spree in modern history, a man who has the deaths of over 15 thousand children on his hands, a man clinging to power to avoid an inevitable prison sentence, invited foolishly by “Bought & Paid for” American politicians and their massive investment in weapons. This man who is facing charges relating to crimes against humanity and genocide had the nerve to refer to protesters as “You have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.”, well its better than being a killer of women and children!! The sooner your behind bars Netanyahu, the better!

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