Russia shuts down UN panel monitoring North Korea sanctions

Russia has disbanded a United Nations panel of experts responsible for monitoring sanctions against North Korea. The move follows the panel’s recent investigation into allegations of Russia violating sanctions by procuring North Korean weapons, including ballistic missiles, for use in Ukraine.

The UN Security Council, which has imposed sanctions on Pyongyang since 2006 due to its nuclear weapons program, had its renewal of the expert panel blocked by Russia using its veto power as a permanent member. While 13 of the 14 other member states voted in favor of renewal, China abstained.

The veto by Russia has drawn criticism from several countries, including the US, UK, South Korea, and Ukraine. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister characterized Russia’s action as an admission of guilt in using North Korean weapons in the conflict.

Western allies accused Russia of silencing the panel because it had started reporting on Moscow’s own violations, particularly its alleged purchase of weapons from North Korea for use in Ukraine.

South Korea’s representative at the UN condemned Russia’s decision as “blind self-centeredness” and likened it to destroying surveillance to evade detection.

Russia, however, denied the allegations and dismissed the value of the expert panel’s work, stating that it focused on insignificant matters and imposed a heavy burden on the North Korean people.

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