Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth have expressed their views on the recent escalation in Israeli military operations in southern Gaza, following reports of intensified attacks and the evacuation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the city of Rafah.

Cameron emphasized the UK’s stance against endorsing a significant military operation in Rafah without a clear plan. He called for Israel to facilitate the entry of aid into Gaza. Additionally, Cameron cautioned against a unilateral halt to UK arms sales to Israel, arguing that such action could potentially bolster Hamas.

Ashworth echoed concerns about the use of British-made weapons in a potential full-scale offensive on Rafah. He stressed the importance of preventing the involvement of UK-manufactured arms in any escalation of conflict.


So we can clearly see that Cameron doesn’t give a toss over the amount of civilians these weapons are killing and cites cutting them off would strengthen Hamas, having no regard for the chilling death toll of children and women now over 35000, along with Doctors and NURSES ironically on International Nurses Day, he’s a great example of fatherhood isn’t he? Incidentally in 2014 whilst he was PM, the UK parliament voted to recognise the State of Palestine, however owing to political manoeuvring it never became law and it looks like the UN General Assembly asking the Security Council to consider it again is doomed to failure as the western unbalance on vetoes will ensure the bid fails again, despite 143 countries voting for it with only 9 against and 25 abstaing for a multiple of strange reasons and poor excuses.

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